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Saturday, March 12, 2005

Matlab's Optimization Toolbox

The Matlab Optimization Toolbox (latest version is 3.0) is an add-on for
the Matlab package. It contains routines for many types of optimization
including constrained and unconstrained nonlinear minimization including
goal attainment problems, minimax problems, and semi-infinite
minimization problems, quadratic and linear programming.

Solution procedures for large-scale problems that are sparse and
structured are a special feature of this toolbox. One such algorithm, called
'linprog' is very fast and can solve a model of about, say, 2000 variables
and, say, 500 linear equality constraints in a matter of seconds.

Nonlinear least squares and curve-fitting and nonlinear system of
equation solving are also part of this wonderful package.

Matlab's functions can find a global minimum if it's the only minimum
and the function is continuous. However, the toolbox provides a wide
variety of local optimization functions and in most of the application areas,
such locally optimal solutions are more than adequate. However, one can
transfer the local optimum point of one run to the next one until the
global optimum is found.

One can extend the capabilities of the Optimization Toolbox by writing
his/her own Matlab-files, or by using the toolbox in combination with
other toolboxes, or with MATLAB or Simulink®.

Matlab's wonderful interface and the ready-availability of a
comprehensive range of other toolboxes and very-efficient functionalties
make this the choice for many in the world of system modeling.


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