Encyclopedia of ....

Physics" edited by Jean-Pierre Françoise of Universite
Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, Greg Naber of Drexel
University in Philadelphia and Sheung Tsun Tsou of
the University of Oxford, UK. It has over 400 articles
on a wide-range of topics covering all aspects of
Mathematical Physics.
The description from publisher says,"... provides a
complete resource for researchers, students and
lecturers with an interest in mathematical physics. It
enables readers to access basic information on topics
peripheral to their own areas, to provide a repository
of the core information in the area that can be used to refresh the
researcher’s own memory banks, and aid teachers in directing students
to entries relevant to their course-work. The Encyclopedia does contain
information that has been distilled, organised and presented as a
complete reference tool to the user and a landmark to the body of
knowledge that has accumulated in this domain".
It costs $1495.
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