FREE Software Packages for Computational Algebra
From time to time we will give you information about special purpose
software packages which have gained popularity among users worldwide
and are available free. Here are two of those for Computational Algebra:
Fermat is a Mac, Windows and Linux algebra package, strongly optimised
for polynomial and matrix algebra, over the rationals and finite fields. It
does arithmetic of arbitrarily long integers and fractions, symbolic
calculations, matrices over polynomial rings, graphics, etc.
It does not consume much memory and is very fast. It was developed
by Robert Lewis of Fordham University, NY and is available here: At this site you can also look at some
interesting papers based on research projects in which Fermat was used.
Felix was developed by the Computer algebra Group at Leipzig
University, Germany and is Available at
Felix is used for computation in commutative and non-commutative
rings and modules. Versions for Windows, Linux and Solaris systems are
available at that site.